What Job Search Strategy Should I use? DCL #77

This week I worked with a client who was feeling overwhelmed by his job search.

Between sending out hundreds of LinkedIn messages, preparing for interviews and researching for coffee chats, he felt like he was responding to the urgent without being strategic.

It was stressing him out.

In our session, we worked through the different types of job search strategies… essentially the best ways to land an interview.

Then, we discussed which approach to prioritize and why.

Here are the options I outlined to him:

1️⃣ Find Open Roles on Job Boards

This is the most common way that people job search. See a posting, apply and then hope for an interview.

If you’ve been around the block, you’ll know that networking at the organization is important to help your application pass through to a first round screening interview.

But, do you wait to apply until you network?

Statistically speaking, it is harder to land an interview if you wait to apply. My recommendation is to apply within 5 days of the posting going live. That doesn’t leave a lot of time to network - especially if you don’t know anyone at the organization.

That’s why I tend to deprioritize this strategy. Focus 25% of your job search energy on finding and applying to open roles through job boards.

Apply within 24 hours, then have your networking meetings afterwards.

2️⃣ Develop a List of 15 Companies to Target

One of the best ways to find and land a new role is to develop a hit list of 15 companies that you know you want to work for.

Research the heck out of the companies (I’m talking read annual reports, C-Suite interviews, podcasts, try products, run a competitive analysis) and then build your network at each organization.

This targeted approach will help you find and land roles you love quickly because you’ll become known by the organization and can land an employee referral when openings arise.

But, this strategy works best if you have done the work to gain clarity on what you want to do next and which companies will help you build your career.

If your goal is to find a new role quickly over landing a role at the “right” company, then you may find this strategy challenging.

The pushback I get most is to this strategy is “what if these companies don’t have any open roles?”

My response? Still build your network there and stick to the strategy. If there aren't open roles (yet), chances are you could end up creating a role for yourself. Or you may discover roles that aren't even posted yet. However, if this doesn't happen, just move on to the next organization on your list.

3️⃣ Follow Leads From Your Network

One of the best job search strategies is to mine your network for people who are connected with organizations who you think are doing exciting work.

The key here is to focus on your existing network first, share about your job search goals and ask for help in the form of introductions or advice.

You will have less control over this strategy because you won’t know what types of opportunities may show up. However, this is a powerful strategy because it will come with the weight of a personal recommendation.

If you don’t know what you want to do next, this is a great place to start.

The challenge? You may feel pulled in multiple directions based on the advice and introductions from your network. Gaining clarity on what YOU want next will be crucial to your decision-making.

4️⃣ Connect with Recruiters for Opportunities

Recruiters are connectors. If they have an opportunity available that is the right fit for you, things will move forward quickly.

However, it’s important to remember that recruiters don’t work for you; they work for their corporate clients.

As a result, this strategy is a complementary strategy to the other 3 and shouldn’t be the only strategy you employ.

I recommend that my clients find and connect with at least 1-3 recruiters who operate in their space. Engage the recruiter by introducing yourself and sharing your resume. The goal is to make a connection and get on the recruiters database. That way if a placement assignment does materialize that is a fit, you’ll be top of mind.

As we close this week's edition of Design a Career You Love... I'm curious, which job search strategies have you tried?

Which ones are working best for you?

My goals is that this post has inspired you to try new ways of approaching your job search so that you can find and land a new role you love.

If you’re feeling stuck or want a sounding board to your strategy, let’s chat.

​Book a complimentary intro-to-coaching call to discuss your goals, challenges and leave with clarity on how I can best support you. ​

Cheering you on!

Until next week.


When you’re ready, here are some ways I can support you:

​Book FREE 1:1 Intro-To-Coaching call with me Make 2024 YOUR year by setting and achieving your important career goals.

​FREE DOWNLOAD ​The Job Search Playbook Fix the 3 mistakes that are holding you back from finding and landing a new role you love.


Design a Career You Love

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