How to fix the 3 mistakes that are holding you back from finding and landing a job you love.

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    In this playbook, I'll walk you through...

    • The 3 mistakes that stop most high achievers from levelling up their career.
    • How to STOP making those costly mistakes.
    • What to START doing to find and land a new role that you love and checks all your boxes.

    Hey friend...

    If you're here, you want to find and land a new role, but something is holding you back.

    Perhaps you're realizing that you want something more out of your career and you're looking for that new challenge, but your job search hasn't been going the way you want it to (or you haven't had time to start yet)...

    You're in the right place, if you...

    Followed all the rules... went to a good school, maybe even have multiple degrees and got the job everyone else thinks is amazing.

    Are excellent at what you do... you’re the go-to person on your team and you’ve worked hard to build the career you have today.

    But you're ready for more growth...more impact and more fulfillment and you’re ready to wake up excited about work again.

    You feel like you've tried everything...reading articles, re-writing your resume, talking to your network, but still nothing seems to be working – even though you KNOW you have the skills for the role you want next.

    This guide is the answer!

    I will uncover the 3 mistakes that are holding back your job search and how to STOP making them so you can find and land a job you love (and deserve!).

    I'll see you inside.
