Indecision is Hurting Your Job Search DCL #71

Did you know that indecision is hurting your job search?

Let me explain.

When you don’t know what you want to do next…

Or what role you’d be best suited for…

Or how your specific set of skills and experiences will add value..

Or if you want to leave your organization or stay…

Everyone can sense your indecision.

And, since you aren’t clear, no one will rush to your side to help you achieve your goal.

Why? Well, you don’t have any specific goals. All you have is a vague idea that your current career situation isn’t working and you’d like to be doing something else or working somewhere else.

This is not a recipe for support.

In order for the right opportunity to show up, you have to take the time to learn, ask questions, reflect and get clear on exactly what you want next.

This may take some iteration on your part and time before you start a real job search, but it is so worth it.

Last week, I guided a client - who works at one of the big name top global tech companies (you probably use their software everyday) - to make an important decision.

He decided he wanted to leave and find a new role outside of the org.

This was a big decision, precursored by several coaching sessions and networking conversations.

Hours after our session, my client texted me with a screenshot of a LinkedIn message. The message was from a hiring manager at a company doing work that my client wanted to get into. The hiring manager wanted to meet my client and talk to him about stepping into a role that was the perfect fit.

It’s amazing how the universe aligns as soon as you get clear on what you want.

I used to think these types of things were woowoo or just a coincidence, but I’ve seen this happen way too many times to believe that now.

Setting an intention creates momentum and then the right people, resources and opportunities will come your way.

The key?

Take the time to get clear.

If you are struggling to gain clarity on what to do next, don’t just “wait to see what happens”. I’d love to help you discover what you’d like to do next so you can also make important, clarifying decisions for your job search.

Book your FREE Intro-To-Coaching call with me HERE.

We’ll talk about your goals, challenges and how I can best support you. You’ll know by the end of the call if my approach and program is the right place for you to accelerate your career.​


When you’re ready, here are some ways I can support you:

​Book FREE 1:1 Intro-To-Coaching call with me Make 2024 YOUR year by setting and achieving your important career goals.

​FREE DOWNLOAD ​The Job Search Playbook Fix the 3 mistakes that are holding you back from finding and landing a new role you love.


Design a Career You Love

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