4 Myths About Career Coaching DCL #70

Are you feeling stuck in your career?

Perhaps you’ve considered getting professional support to help you navigate what’s next, but keep pausing before pressing go.

After speaking with dozens of professionals working as engineers, lawyers, consultants, data scientists, project managers, marketers, actuaries or working in functions like corporate finance, accounting, supply chain and on product teams… I’ve noticed that there are four myths that tend to hold people back from working with a career coach (like me).

Unfortunately, these myths can stop you from making an important investment that will significantly change your career for the better - leading to a higher salary and more job satisfaction.

Like my client, Ashley, who increased her total compensation by 32% after our work together.

Myth 1: "I have to be unemployed to work with a coach"

One of the most pervasive myths about career coaching is that it’s only for those who are out of work.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In reality, career coaching is important for professionals at all stages of their careers, especially for those who are employed.

How I Help Employed Professionals:

  • Career Clarity: If you know it’s time for something new, but you don’t know what that next step is, it’s easy to stay stuck in your current role without a plan. Working with a career coach like me can help you clarify what’s next and give you the tools to communicate that in the market.
  • Skill Enhancement: Got feedback that you need to grow your leadership skillset? I can help you develop critical skills such as leadership, communication, and time management, which are essential for professional growth.
  • Navigating Workplace Challenges: Whether it’s dealing with difficult colleagues or managing work-life balance as a new parent, I help professionals understand their priorities and develop a personalized plan to align their life and work around them.

Myth 2: "I have to figure out what I want to do next, first"

Another common misconception is that you need to have a clear idea of your next career move before engaging a career coach (I get this one a lot)...

When in reality the best time to engage a coach is when you have NO IDEA what’s next, you just know it’s time to move on.

At least 50% of my time is spent working with professionals who want to make a career change, but don’t know what that change should be. For some people this lack of clarity is hurting their job search and they’re getting passed over for roles because they don’t know for sure if they want them.

Or worse, I’ve worked with people who have quickly accepted a new role and then later regretted it.

(you don’t want this to be you!)

How I Can Help When You’re Unsure:

  • Exploring Interests and Strengths: I help my clients understand their aspirations, interests, values, and strengths, through exercises, discussion and assessments.
  • Setting Goals: I help my clients chart a course for the next 5 years while considering the immediate next step based on personal and professional aspirations.
  • Developing a Plan: I work with my clients to develop a strategic plan to achieve their goals, providing support and accountability along the way.

Like my client, Kristina, who didn’t know what she wanted to do next. After our work together to figure out exactly what she wanted to do next, she quickly landed a new role as a Service Design Operations Lead. In her words “it just clicked!”.

Myth 3: “It’s not the right time”

I get it. We’re all short on time.

So, I’d like to flip the question back to you.

When will it be the right time?

When you think about how many hours you’re spending each week in a role you don’t enjoy, don’t you think you owe it to yourself to invest your time and skills into something you like? With people who are great humans?

How I Can Help When You're Figuring Out Timing:

  • You Set The Pace: When I work one-on-one with clients, we set the pace together. If you want to land a job fast - we work quickly. If you have the luxury of time, we space things out. Key message - time shouldn’t be a reason not to invest in yourself.
  • Get a Personalized Plan: If you were to work on your own, your job search will take twice as long. You’ll spend time researching exactly what to do (and good luck finding a complete plan online that’s relevant today). Whereas if you work with me, I’ll give you a proven, personalized plan that works. All you have to do is execute it with my support - saving yourself SO MUCH TIME!

Myth 4: “It’s too much money”

Investing in yourself can be scary - especially if this isn’t something you’re familiar with or were exposed to when you were young.

However, not investing in yourself can significantly decrease your earning potential and satisfaction with your career.

I’ll save all the detailed ROI calculations for another email, but what I’ve found is that my clients - on average - earn back 1-5x their investment within 12 months of our work together.

That’s a great return.

So what are you missing out on by not investing in your career?

How I Can Help With Your Investment:

  • Monthly Payments: To help my clients, I offer a monthly payment plan for all my coaching programs.

Career Coaching Is A Powerful Tool...

…designed to help you navigate the complexities of your professional journey, regardless of your employment status or if you’re clear about next steps.

If you’ve been hesitant to engage with a career coach due to these misconceptions, now is the perfect time to reconsider.

Book your FREE Intro-To-Coaching call with me HERE.

We’ll talk about your goals, challenges and how I can best support you. You’ll know by the end of the call if my approach and program is the right place for you to accelerate your career.​


When you’re ready, here are some ways I can support you:

​Book FREE 1:1 Intro-To-Coaching call with me Make 2024 YOUR year by setting and achieving your important career goals.

​FREE DOWNLOAD ​The Job Search Playbook Fix the 3 mistakes that are holding you back from finding and landing a new role you love.


Design a Career You Love

Join my global crew of 6-figure professionals at companies like Google, Deloitte. Microsoft and Lululemon to get weekly career strategies and job search tips right to your inbox. These emails are FREE and the strategies I share are taken right from my one-on-one coaching sessions (so I know they work really well).

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