3 (surprising) benefits of career coaching DCL #76

Most people think the best time to engage a career coach is after a layoff or if your job search is going sideways.

Those ARE good times to engage a coach to help get you on track (and I’m here for all that!)...

But the clients who have experienced a truly holistic transformation don’t work with me out of desperation.

They engage me as a coach as an act of foresight.

They know a change is coming (or they want a change to happen), and they’re willing to put in the time and effort to invest in that change.

These can be some of the most exciting engagements for me.


Because we get to focus on designing and building the type of life the client truly wants. Instead of rushing to find the next role.

Take Kristina for example.

She knew what she didn’t want for her life and career, but had a harder time articulating what she did want. Our work focused on helping her uncover and design the type of life she truly wanted.

Then we found careers that complimented this designed life and built upon her existing skill set in corporate strategy.

Within weeks she landed a new role that was a perfect fit for her.

The big transformation in my line of work is always the new role or the new direction someone finds.

But there are other surprising benefits that come with this type of work.

I hear things like…

“I have a stronger relationship with my partner because of the exercises you gave me and the encouragement to include my partner in these key decisions.”

“I really know now what I want my life to be about and this clarity has translated into many other areas of my life. I feel like I’m living the life I never thought was possible!”

“This is such a safe place. This has been a soft landing pad to work through some painful career experiences that I didn’t even realize I was carrying around.”

If you’re on the fence about whether or not this is the time to engage a career coach, here are 3 questions to consider:

  1. Am I happy with my career and life today?
  2. Do I have dreams that I'm actively working towards?
  3. Do I have the resources and plan to realize these dreams?

If you answered “No” to any of the questions above, let’s jump on a call and chat through your situation. You’ll leave with clear next steps and clarity if working with me is the right next step for you. ​

​Book your complimentary call here. ​

Until then, I’m cheering you on as you design a career you love!


When you’re ready, here are some ways I can support you:

​Book FREE 1:1 Intro-To-Coaching call with me Make 2024 YOUR year by setting and achieving your important career goals.

​FREE DOWNLOAD ​The Job Search Playbook Fix the 3 mistakes that are holding you back from finding and landing a new role you love.


Design a Career You Love

Join my global crew of 6-figure professionals at companies like Google, Deloitte. Microsoft and Lululemon to get weekly career strategies and job search tips right to your inbox. These emails are FREE and the strategies I share are taken right from my one-on-one coaching sessions (so I know they work really well).

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