What are you investing in? DCL #75

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." – Dr. Seuss

Where do you want to go?

What’s the vision for your life and your career?

Are you investing in yourself today to get to where you want to go tomorrow?

About 12 years ago, I began dreaming about the type of life I wanted.

As a stressed out management consultant, my dreams felt far off. Like really far off.

I’m a curious person and if I have a problem to solve, I’m focused on figuring it out. So I started studying people whose life and careers I admired. I realized that they had several things in common.

All of them had a starting point… but then they began to invest in themselves.

After some time - years even - there seemed to be a moment when everything changed and they began the life and career that I now saw and admired.

I knew I wasn’t where I wanted to be yet. So I decided to emulate the pattern I observed and began to consider how I could invest in myself in the limited personal time I had.

All the people I studied had regular routines where they invested in themselves daily. The common investment themes seemed to be around exercise, reading, writing and prayer or meditation.

So I started experimenting with how to integrate these practices into my days.

I’m now 12 years into my experiment and this has become a way of life.

The result? I'm living the life I dreamed of 12 years ago.

If you don’t like where you’re at, it’s time to start investing.

My challenge for you today?

Pick one habit from the list below and try integrating it into your day. Run your own experiment and after 14 days assess the results to determine how or if you’d like to continue.

Ask yourself…

  • How do you feel?
  • How has this changed your mindset?
  • What have you learned?

Top Personal Investment Habits To Try:

1️⃣ Read for 20-minutes a day (Read anything you like… personal development books, mysteries, historical fiction, a Dummies guide to get up to speed on a skill, just read!)

2️⃣ Spend 15-minutes a day writing out your thoughts and perspectives.

  • At the start of the day consider answering the following questions:
    • One thing I can get excited about today is…
    • One bold action I could take today is…
    • I would know that today was a great success if at the end of the day I did or felt these things…
  • Or, if you’re writing at the end of the day consider these questions:
    • A moment I really appreciated today was…
    • Something I realized or learned today was…
    • Something that would have helped me feel more connected to others today would have been…

3️⃣ Prayer or meditation for 10-minutes a day… this could be in the form of finding a positive phrase or scripture to anchor your thoughts, saying your prayers out loud or writing down what’s in your heart.

4️⃣ Exercise for 20-minutes a day… this could be a run around the block, riding your bike, opening YouTube to find your favorite pilates workout or lifting weights in the basement.

As I write these habits out, I’m struck again by the power in these simple practices. Just like the Dr. Seuss quote above says, “the more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

These simple practices open the door to possibility and joy.

As we start the weekend, that is my hope for you.

From a fellow experimenter, I’m cheering you on!


When you’re ready, here are some ways I can support you:

​Book FREE 1:1 Intro-To-Coaching call with me Make 2024 YOUR year by setting and achieving your important career goals.

​FREE DOWNLOAD ​The Job Search Playbook Fix the 3 mistakes that are holding you back from finding and landing a new role you love.


Design a Career You Love

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