Interview cheatsheet DCL #19

Are the interview requests rolling in?

Here's everything you need to know about the 10 most common types of interviews and how to prepare for them.

Is there an interview type you want to know more about? Reply to this email (or email and tell me. Whichever interview type gets the most requests, I'll write a special edition of DCL for you!

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10 Types of Job Interviews & How to Best Prepare

1️⃣ Phone screening interview: A brief initial interview conducted over the phone to determine if the candidate meets the basic requirements for the job.

Prepare by researching the company and the job description, and practice your answers to common interview questions, like "Tell me about yourself" and "Where do you see yourself in 5 years". Here's a cheat sheet to help you prepare for your phone interviews.

2️⃣ One-on-one interview: A traditional, in-person interview between a candidate and one interviewer.

Prepare by researching the company and the job description, and practice your answers to behavioural interview questions following the STAR method. Bring copies of your resume and any relevant documents.

3️⃣ Panel interview: An interview with several interviewers, usually from different departments within the company.

Prepare by researching the company and the job description, and practice your answers to behavioural or situational interview questions that align to the core skills the company wants you to have to be successful in this role. Make sure you address each interviewer by name and make eye contact with each person.

4️⃣ Group interview: An interview with several candidates at once.

Prepare by researching the company and the job description, and practice your answers to behavioural interview questions aligned to the skills required to be successful in the role. Be sure to listen carefully to the other candidates' answers and be respectful of their opinions. Click HERE to learn more about how to ace the group interview.

5️⃣ Video interview: An interview conducted over video conferencing software.

Prepare by testing your equipment beforehand and making sure you have a stable internet connection. Dress professionally and make sure your background is tidy and free of distractions. Here's a list of 20 ways to dazzle a hiring manager on a video call.

6️⃣ Behavioral interview: An interview that focuses on the candidate's past experiences and how they have handled certain situations.

Prepare by reviewing your work history and thinking about specific examples of times when you demonstrated certain skills or qualities. Practice telling these stories in a concise and engaging way using the STAR method (spoiler alert, we'll talk more about this in an upcoming DCL newsletter).

7️⃣ Case interview: An interview where the candidate is presented with a hypothetical problem or scenario and asked to solve it.

Prepare by researching the company and the industry, and practicing your problem-solving skills. Be sure to ask clarifying questions and communicate your thought process as you work through the problem. I've spent years leading case interviews in my past role as a management consultant.

If you need help with this type of interview, book a FREE Discovery Call so we can talk about your goals and how I can best help you.

In the meantime, here's a great article to get you started!

8️⃣ Technical interview: An interview that assesses the candidate's technical skills.

Prepare by reviewing the job description and researching the specific technologies or programming languages that will be used in the job. Practice coding problems and be ready to explain your solutions.

9️⃣ Second-round interview: A follow-up interview with a different interviewer or a more in-depth interview.

Prepare by reviewing your notes from the first interview and researching any new information about the company or the job. Be prepared to answer more detailed questions about your experience and qualifications.

🔟 Informal interview: A more casual interview, often over lunch or coffee, that is designed to get to know the candidate on a more personal level.

Prepare by researching the company and the job description, and thinking about how you can demonstrate your personality and fit with the company culture. Be polite and engaging, but remember to stay professional. Here's an article outlining how to prepare for a job interview over a meal.

Oh and before you go, here is a list of the 50+ most common interview questions to help you prepare.

Want more feedback before you hit the interview?

Book a FREE Discovery Call HERE so we can talk about your goals and how to ace the interview.

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