Worried you won't land your next job?

If you're tired of submitting job applications and not getting interviews, this guide is for you.

I'll show you how to build professional relationships that turn job applications into interviews.

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    Beckie Thain-Blonk

    Career Coach & Job Strategist


    Like most of us, my career has taken unexpected turns. I started my career as an entrepreneur, explored brand marketing and pivoted to management consulting.

    In each role, I led recruitment activities on a national and global scale. So I know first hand what companies are looking for and how to help you stand out.

    Over the last 10 years, I've helped hundreds of professionals successfully navigate the job search to land a job they love.

    My clients describe my coaching approach as direct, caring and insightful. I bring warmth, humour and years of experience to the table.

    This guide covers...

    • What is networking?
    • Why is networking during the job search so important?
    • Who should I network with?
    • How should I reach out to connect?
    • What should I say in my first outreach message?
    • How should I structure my first networking meeting?